However, they can resubmit the report for a second opinion by the Board on a voluntary basis. Opinions issued by the Board on evaluations can be either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’.Ī negative opinion does not prevent the responsible Commission department from finalising and publishing the fitness check or evaluation report. The Board’s opinion accompanies the draft initiative together with the impact assessment throughout the Commission's political decision-making. When the Board has given a negative opinion twice, it is only the Vice-President for Inter-institutional Relations and Foresight that may submit the initiative for the College of Commissioners to decide whether or not to go ahead. In case of a negative opinion, the draft report must be reviewed and resubmitted to the Board before it can proceed. Opinions issued by the Board on impact assessments can be ‘positive’, ‘positive with reservations’, or ‘negative’.Ī positive/positive with reservations opinion is needed from the Board for an initiative accompanied by an impact assessment to be tabled for adoption by the Commission. The Board does not decide on initiatives or on policy objectives: that role belongs to the College of Commissioners. The Board opinions contain recommendations for Commission services on how to improve draft reports.

The Board reviews and issues opinions and recommendations on all the Commission's draft impact assessments, fitness checks, and on major evaluations of existing legislation. The Board’s work on impact assessments strengthens subsequent evaluations, and vice versa (Figure 2). It provides central quality control and support for Commission impact assessments and evaluations at early stages of the legislative process (Figure 1).

The Regulatory Scrutiny Board is an independent body within the Commission that advises the College of Commissioners.